A solemn heart, a little solitude and a silence that echoes and is so pronouncing that you desperately crave for THE silence but it just dies in the irony of it.
There is no itch involved and there is no confusing it. It’s a mere introspection. Its lived upon, thought upon but its nothing judgmental but rather accepted. There is nothing to be sad about or exactly happy about, guess even stagnation is a major part of your life
You lie down looking at the roof with everything and nothing... you smile every time you catch yourself recapturing the good times , you retrospect on everything that went wrong, you think about that its never too late . But believe me sometimes it actually is .
The innocence of a juvenile laughter, the expression in solemn eyes, the subtlety of a confident maneuver, the sincerity of an earnest heart, the resilience of an unspoken mind, .. Not everything good in this world can be captured with your life and likewise nor is the spontaneity of a relation.
When you look back and a smile is all you get out of all the memories than its worth accepting the fact that even if its not present in your life anymore but it still is good because it makes you smile more than it can ever hurt.
This one is for all my friends. .
It might not be in the eyes, it might not be in the face
But it might Piece your heart like a big disgrace..
It cannot be expressed in words; it might be a long gone phase
But it still nurtures your heart like a warm embrace..